Des Künstlers dritte Hand
Domberger oder Die Geschichte der Serigraphie

Since 1948 Domberger has been printing and publishing original prints by renowned artists from Ackermann, Baumeister and Christo to Estes, Gerz, Hamilton, Indiana Lichtenstein and Pfahler, Polke, Vasarely, Zakanitsch amongst many others. The Domberger Werkschau which documents over 2000 screenprints, collages and multiples is unique in its form. It comes as approximately 400 loose sheets in two exquisite buckram-covered boxes, illustrations are in colour throughout. The accompanying essay portrays the history of artistic screen printing from its beginnings in the late 1940s through the twentieth century up to the present day.
Size: 32 x 26 cm
Medium: 70 Ex.
Edition Domberger GmbH, 2002
Price: EUR 900,- incl. CD Rom
For auction houses, museums and other professionals
The CD contains figures and details of more than 2.500 original prints, collages and multiple portfolios of numerous renowned artists an is therefore a unique and informative research tool to give you an overview on the prints that have been created at Domberger since the late 40ies.
Edition Domberger GmbH
Uhlbergstrasse 36 – 40
D-70794 Filderstadt
Telefon +49(0)711–77 20 40
Telefax +49(0)711–7 77 58 70